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Woodford Green

Purposes of the Henrietta Suite
To enable parishioners to come together for their mutual support - In prayer and development of their faith - In recreational and social activities to foster personal wellbeing and community. ‘Parishioners’ are any who want to be associated with us.
To enable events and activities that are open to the wider community - partly as a service to that community (of which we are a part and hence should contribute to), - but also to be open to all, to make ourselves known to others, to make it easy for others to come closer to us... - an example of Christian outreach and ‘soft evangelisation’.
Where appropriate, so long as it does not interfere with the above key purposes, users will be charged for usage as a way to help subsidise provision of the facilities. In deciding how to improve the Henrietta Suite, the Parish seeks to provide facilities that enable the above usage. When the facilities are not needed for the above, they may be used by parishioners and others for private and commercial hire, with preference being given to parishioners. This serves to promote the same aims as above.
Please see below documentation regarding the project.
For Becket Centre Hire please contact
the Parish Office
Call on 020 8504 1686
Becket Centre: Hire agreement form
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